Archives for : May2007

despre “focus”

[ inainte de orice promit sa dezvolt mai mult, mai incolo, subiectul “focus” – in care cred si spre care ma educ sa tind ]

tocmai ce-am cetit un comunicat de presa vraishte despre 2 studentzashi de studentzashi care-au facut zob securitatea celor de la, in sensul ca, dupa ce-au fost dati afara de-acolo, le-au furat toate sursele, pe care acum le cloneaza. toata povestea asta e doar un mic junghi in coasta, sincer nu dau 3 lei pe prostia altora (daca as da 3 lei pe prostia fiecaruia, as avea bani cat nenea Gates – dar pe minus). ce conteaza e ca m-am dus, pana la urma, sa vad si eu minunea de la panaghia: marele portal

si ce-mi vazura orbitele obosite? o varza cu carne, a la clooj, sau mai degraba un ghiveci indescriptibil, in care oamenii au turnat cu ghiotura tot ce se putea turna, sperand ca o sa acopere toate domeniile posibile din categoria “community-stuff”. un fel de incercare disperata de-a intinde o plapuma imensa peste picioarele tuturor, ca sa te simti tu mai mare si mai tare. rezultatul? un melange penibil, slab ca si continut, complet de-focusat, din care userul nu retine absolut nimic (e greu sa vezi un bob de nisip pe plaja…)

exemplu mai bun pentru teoria conform careia “focus is good in business” nu stiu daca puteam gasi. e drept, mai exista exemple de-astea pe la noi (a se vedea cloaca de spam numita neogen), dar baietii astia cu chiar ca exceleaza la a face mucii prashtie si-a arunca cu ei in toata roza vanturilor. taare-s curios cat or sa mai reziste – atat ei, cat si restul trupei de “multilateral dezvoltati”…

dragilor, individualitatea da putere. treaba cu focusul in biznis NU e o prostie. reveniti-va, si incercat ca, in loc sa faceti mult si prost, sa faceti putin da’ bine. mai ganditi-va la treaba cu firul de nisip, ca are miez si cine-a zis-o a zis-o bine. altfel o sa va treziti cu un churn baban de la vizitatorii care n-o sa mai vada padurea din cauza hatzishului de boschetzi.

am zis! si ce bine ma simt: azi chiar nu carcotisem deloc… 🙂

Expandable Menu – JS + CSS

tutorial_10.gif…or “Building An Expanding DHTML Menu With CSS and JavaScript – revisited”.

What’s this all about: a vertical menu with submenus which are hidden initially and show on rollover.


1. On roll-over over a zero-level element, the corresponding sub-menu must appear
2. On roll-over over another zero-level element, besides the effect from point 1. any other secondary menu must hide, only the the submenu corresponding to the active roll-over must remain visible

The most elegant solution I found is in the page linked at the beginning of the article, but it was a bit too long for what I needed, so I took it, adapted it, and I got exactly what I need (see here a functioning example, with all it needs to understand it, if you look in the source).

Later edit: for a more elegant menu version (in terms of coding and approach), but less functional and without JS, read here (in Romanian).

Versiunea in Romana a acestui articol aici.

modi v2 (MouseOver DOM Inspector)

For those using Firefoxe’s Firebug, inspecting DOM elements is already a breeze. But what about Internet Explorer? The guys at slayeroffice have created a new DOM inspector that works on any browser, which is easy to install, by simply bookmarking it. It’s not as advanced as the Firebug, but it can prove extremely useful sometimes. See here

Versiunea in Romana a acestui articol aici.

CSS Hexagons

For the sleepless… a page built exclusively with CSS… even though it doesn’t look like html… guess how they did it.

Versiunea in Romana a acestui articol aici.


Alex shows me a mighty fine job: a test meant to show just how well implemented is the CSS support in a browser. The test starts from a rendering considered corect (reference) and you get to compare that render with the test-page as viewed in your browser. Extremely interesting for a CSS geek like me… 😀

Acid Test 2

Versiunea in Romana a acestui articol aici.

Border around empty table cells

It happens often, when working with tables, to “forget” empty cells, i.e. cells without any content at all within, not with even as much as a shy & nbsp ;. That makes them look awkward in the browser (awkward = borderless) and,most of all, to look like coding errors, which coulod become unpleasant. For those lacking the patience to fiddle again the whole html code, there’s a solution: to define the following property in the CSS code:

{ empty-cells: show }

This will force all the empty cells to SHOW the border, even if empty. (the other possible values for this property are: hide and inherit)

Versiunea in Romana a acestui articol aici.